ENGLISH CHAPTER 4 THE MODEL MILLIONAIRE ( Oscar Wilde) class 11th complete Solution
(Oscar Wilde)
Question and Answer
Q. What qualities made Hughie Erskine popular with men and women
Ans. Hughie was wonderfully good-looking. He was very good at heart. any ill-natured thing. He never said any unkind word even. In fact, he had every Ome never s quali Except that of making money. All this made him very popular among men and women
Q. Hughie was unable to settle down in a profession because he was unwilling to work yes no. If no what the reason?
Ans. not that Hughie was unwilling to work. In fact, he tried his hand at many otessrons, bur he was now nere successful. Ans It was but always failed. In fact, he did not know the art of making money. That was why he was nowhere successful
Q. What condition did the Colonel lay down for letting Hughie be engaged to Laura
Ans. The Colonel knew that his daughter Laura loved Hughie. He too was fond of Hughie. he wanted Hughie to be self-dependent.So he said that first Hughie must have ten thous an ds of his own. Only then he would allow Hughie to be engaged to Laura.
Q. Why did Alan Trevor like Hughie so much as to let him visit his studio whenever he wanted?
Ans. Artists always love things of beauty. Trevor was an artist and Hughie was wondertully 0od-looking. Hughie was also a carefree and joyful spirit. Trevor came to like Hughie very much. Thatt was why he let him visit his studio when ever he liked.
Q. Why did Hughie think that Trevors model was an amazing one ?
Ans. Trevor's model had a wrinkled face. His clothes were in rags. He looked every inch a beggar. He was the very picture of misery. That was why Hughie thought him an amazing model. Trevor's model was not a beggar as he looked. He was Baron Hausberg, one of the richest men of Europe. Naturally Trevor thought very highly of him.
Q. He (Hughie) got a charming scolding for his extravagance. Who scolded Hughie ? What was Hughie's extravagance? Why was Hughie scolded ? Why is the scolding described as charming
Ans. It was Laura who scolded Hughie for his extravagance.
Hughie had only a pound and some coins in his pocket. He gave his pound as alms to an old beggar. Laura considered it an act of extravagance
Hughie was scolded for his extravagance.
It was Hughie's own sweetheart who scolded him. That is why the scolding has been described as charming.
Q. Why did Trevor think that Hughie had made a deep impression on his 'old moder?
Ans. The 'old model' showed deep interest in Hughie. He asked Trevor all about who he was ; wherehe lived ; what his income was ; and other such things. Thus thought that Hughie had made a deep impression on his 'old model.
Q. Did Trevor's model behave differently from what Trevor had thought of him differently, how ?
Ans. Trevor had thought that Baron Hausberg would talk of Hughie's foolish act to hi friends and have a good laugh. But, on the other hand, the Baron sent Hughie ten thous an pounds to help him marry his beloved.
Q. How was Baron Hausberg both a millionaire model and a model millionaire?
Ans. Baron Hausberg was a millionaire who posed as a beggar for Trevor's painting, Thus he was millionaire model. But more important than that, he was a model millionaire. H had proved a model of compassion and charity.
Long answer type question
Q. Give in your own words a pen-portrait of Baron Hausberg.
Ans. Baron Hausberg is a millionaire. He is one of the richest men of Europe. He has a whim to have himself painted as a beggar. He proves a very successful model. He looks every inch a beggar. He leans over a coarse stick. His clothesare in rags. He holds out an. an old hat 312 But more for alms. He looks the very picture of misery. Hughie takes him tor a real beggar. He s lem in DOund into his hand. We can say that Baron Hausberg is a million air emodel. Bur his important than that he proves a model millionaire. He comes to know of Hughie's prohien love. He sends him a cheque for ten thousand pounds. Thus he enables Hughie to mary b beloved. The Baron proves a model of compassion and charity. He is, indeed, a model milliono
Q. How and why did Hughie oblige the old beggar
Ans One day Hughie went to see his friend Alan Trevor who was a painter. He sa Trevor painting a wonderful picture of a beggar man. The beggar himself was standing in a corner of the studio. He was a wizenedold man. His face was wrinkled. He had a brow cloak over his shoulder. It was all in rags. His thick boots had many patches. He had -rough stick in one hand. He was leaning over this stick. With his other hand, he wa holding out his old hat for alms. The old beggar looked the very picture of misery. Hugh was deeply moved by the miserable looks of the old beggar. He could not help pitying hn He felt in his pockets but could find only one pound in them. Then he walked up to u beggar and slipped the pound into his hand.
Q. What impression do you form of Hughie character?
Ans. Hughie was wonderfully good looking. He was popular with men and wom equally. He never said any unkind word. In fact, he had every quality except that of mali money. He tried his hand at many professions but always failed. To make it worse, he we love. Heloved a Colonel's daughter. But the Colonel would not let him marry his daughter He said that first Hughie must have ten thousand pounds of his own. At last Hughie's kin and noble nature got him the reward he desired. Baron Hausberg was so impressed by hi that he sent him a cheque for ten thousand pounds. Thus Hughie was able to fulfil t Colonel's condition and marry his daughter.
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