
Showing posts from March, 2021


  Liberty and Discipline When you get in your car or on your bicycle, you can choose where you want to go. That is liberty. But, as you drive or ride through the streets, you will keep to the left of the road. That is discipline.  There are four reasons why you will keep to the left:  your own advantage  consideration for others  confidence in your fellows; and  fear of punishment  It is the relative weight which we give to each of these reasons that decides what sort of discipline we have. And that can vary from the pure self-discipline of the Sermon on the Mount to the discipline of the concentration camp, the enforced discipline of fear.  Inspite of all our squabbles, the British are united when it comes to most of the things that matter and liberty is one of them. We believe in freedom to think what we like, say what we like, work at what we like, and go where we like. Discipline 1Sa restraint on liberty, so many of us have a very na...


  THE EARTH IS NOT OURS The  Millennium might have been no more than an accident of the calendar, But you, the Governments and peoples of the world, have chosen to make it more than that an occasion for all humanity to celebrate, and to reflect.  If one word encapsulates the changes we are living through, it is 'globalisation'. We live in a world that is interconnected as never before- one in which groups and individuals interact more and more directly across State frontiers, often without involving the States at all.  This has its dangers, of course. Crime, narcotics, terrorism, disease, weapons- all these move back and forth faster, and in greater numbers, than in the past. People feel threatened by events far away.  But the benefits of globalization are obvious too: faster growth, higher liv:ng standards, and new opportunities- not only for individuals but also for better understanding between nations, and for common action.  One problem is that, at...


THE PANCH PARAMESHWAR  Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chowdhari enjoyed a deep friendship. They cultivated their lands jointly. They trusted each other deeply. When Jumman went to Mecca for Haj, he left his house in charge of Algu and whenever Algu went 2way from the village, he would leave his house with Jumman. They did not share the same religion, but they used to think alike. This is the true meaning of friendship.  Jumman Sheikh had an old aunt. She had a little property but no close relatives. After making many false promises, Jumman persuaded the old woman to transfer the property in his name. Till the papers were registered in the court,he showered her with attention. He would bring her sumptuous food and sweets. But the final stamping of the transfer deed put an end to this glorious period. Jumman's wife Kariman's sharp tongue was now added as a curry along with the roti. Jumman also grew more cruel and indifferent. The poor aunt had to listen to a lot of unhappy talk.avery d...


                              CHAPTER 5             THE PANCH PARMESHWAR                                       (MUNSHI PREMCHAND Q. What do you know about the friendship of Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chowdhar Ans. Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chowdhari were very good friends. They did not belong to the same religion but they used to think alike. When one of them went out of the  village with his family, he left his house in charge of the other. They trusted each other deeply Q  What was the problem of Jumman Sheikh's old aunt ?  Ans. Jumman Sheikh's aunt had a small property. But she had no one to look after it. In fact, she had no close relative except Jumman.  Q. Why did Jumman laugh at the threat of the old aunt to take the matter to the village panchayat ?  Ans.Jumma...


  A newspaper is a reflection of a society. A newspaper keeps us updated daily with all that happens around us in different fields in various parts of the universe. It is a great source of Information as well as entertainment. For many people, reading a newspaper with a cup of tea in the morning is a great start of the day. For the students, the habit of reading a newspaper can be very useful. It provides them a glimpse of the important events of the day.  Reading newspaper is also a very time consuming process. One needs to learn how to get a gist of the lengthy news stories. Generally, a newspaper carries the news under bold headlines. One needs to learn to understand the importance of these headlines. Headline provides us a peep into the whole story. As a student, it is vital to know how to decipher information from these headlines. Some of the main features of a headline are as given below: 1.  Headlines generally use simple present tense for most events. For example ...


  THE TIGER IN THE TUNNEL There was no moon that night, and the deathly stillness of the surrounding ungle was broken only occasionally by the shrill cry of a cicada. Sometimes from far off came the hollow hammering of a woodpecker, carried along on the faint breeze. But these sounds were rare, and the silence of the forest always returned to swallow them up.  Baldeo, the watchman, was awake. He stretched himself, slowly unwinding the heavy shawl that covered him like a shroud". It was close on midnight and the chill air made him shiver. The station, a small shack backed by heavy jungle, was a station in name only; for trains only stopped there, if at all,fora few seconds before entering the deep cutting that led to the tunnel. Most trains merely slowed down before taking the sharp curve before the cutting Baldeo was responsible for signaling whether or not the tunnel was clear of obstruction, and his hand-worked signal stood before the entrance. At nig was his duty to see tha...


DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM - A STUDENT'S ACTIVITY Equilibrium whether in a physical or in a chemical system, is always of dynamic nature. This can be demonstrated by the use of radioactive isotopes. This is not feasible in a school laboratory. However this concept can be easily comprehended by performing the following activity. The activity can be performed in a group of 5 or 6 students.     Take two 100mL measuring cylinders (marked as 1 and 2) and two glass tubes each of 30 cm length. Diameter of the tubes may be same or different in the range of 3-5mm. Fill nearly half of the measuring cylinder-1 with coloured water (for this purpose add a crystal of potassium permanganate to water) and keep second cylinder (number 2) empty.     Put one tube in cylinder 1 and second in cylinder 2. Immerse one tube in cylinder ,close its upper tip with a finger and transfer the coloured water contained in its lower portion to cylinder 2. Using second tube, kept in 2nd cylinder, ...


  THE PEASANT'S BREAD🥖 Apoor peasant went off early one morning to plough, taking with him for his breakfast a piece of bread. He got his plough ready, put his coat round the bread, hid it under a bush and started work. After a while, when his horse was tired and he was hungry, the peasant stopped ploughing, let the horse loose to feed, and went to get his coat and his breakfast.  He lifted the coat, but the bread was gone! He looked and looked, turned the coat over and shook it, but the bread was nowhere to be found. The peasant could not understand this at all. That's strange, he thought, I saw no one, yet someone has been here and has taken the bread!"  It was an imp' who had stolen the bread while the peasant was ploughing, and at that moment he was sitting behind the bush, waiting to hear the peasant swear and callon the name of them Devil.  The peasant was sory to lose his breakfast, but, 'it cannot be helped, said he. 'After all, I shall not die of hung...


  THE FIRST ATOM BOMB Three weeks had passed since the two atomic bombs had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but we still knew practically nothing about the fate of the devastated towns or of the innumerable victims. The American wireless had broadcast a very great deal about the preparations made for the use of the new weapon and about its extraordinary power, but information concerning the effects of atomic bombardment was limited to the horrible prophecy' for seventy years at least the radio-activity of the earth around the scene of the explosion will prevent all forms of life from existing there'  The Americans I had met the evening before on board the Benevolence had all fallen silent the moment I had mentioned the word 'Hiroshima'. When they questioned me about Japan they carefully avoided all mention of it, and when I uttered the word I think we all felt an indefinable sense of discomfort.  For different reasons the Japanese also maintained complete silenc...


                                    SPARROWS The SUN was setting behind the mango grove which fringed the western extremity of the village when Rahim khan returned from the fields. Broad and strong despite his fifty odd years, with the plough on his shoulders, and driving his two oxen, he walked through the main street of the village with a haughty and unfriendly air. As he approached the chaupal' where a dozen or so peasants were collected for their evening smoke, the hilarious* tones of gossip died down to cautious whispers. It was only when he had vanished round the corner and the heavy tread of his footsteps was heard no more that Kallu, passing the communal' hookah to another, remarked, "There goes the hard-hearted devil!" To which Nanha, the fat sweet-seller, added, "He is getting worse and worse every day. Only yesterday he beat poor Ramoo's child for throwing a pebble at his oxen." Ramnath,...