Q. What do you know about the friendship of Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chowdhar
Ans. Jumman Sheikh and Algu Chowdhari were very good friends. They did not belong to the same religion but they used to think alike. When one of them went out of the village with his family, he left his house in charge of the other. They trusted each other deeply
Q What was the problem of Jumman Sheikh's old aunt ?
Ans. Jumman Sheikh's aunt had a small property. But she had no one to look after it. In fact, she had no close relative except Jumman.
Q. Why did Jumman laugh at the threat of the old aunt to take the matter to the village panchayat ?
Ans.Jumman knew that there was no one in the village who was not obliged to him. He Ld worked for them many times. So he was sure that he would win at the panchayat ed eeting. That was why Jumman laughed at the old aunt when she threatened him to go to the village panchayat.
Q. How did the villagers react when Jumman's old aunt contacted them about the meeting of the panchayat ?
Ans. Some of the villagers tried to console her. Some villagers tried to put her off and others just cursed the times. I here were very few people who were law-abiding and considerate who listened to her sad story and offered her consolation.
Q. How did Algu Chowdhari react when the old aunt went to him to request him to come to the panchayat meeting?
Ans. Algu was in a fix when the old aunt requested him to come to the panchayat meeting. He said that he would come there but he would not say anything during the panchayat. He said that Jumman was his dear friend and he didn't want to spoil his friendship with him.
Q. How did Jumman 's old aunt present her case ?
Ans. Jumman's old aunt nominated Algu as the head panch. Being a panch, Algu stood by ruth and he gave his decision against Jumman. That was why Jumman became his enemy.
Q. What was the matter of dispute between Algu Chowdhari and Samjhu Sahu ?
Ans. Algu had sold his ox to Samjhu. And Samjhu had promised to pay its price within one month. But Samjhu took so much work from the animal that it died. Now Samju refused to pay its price. He said that Algu had sold him a,sick ox.
Q. How did Algu Chowdhari and Jumman Sheikh become friends again ?
Ans. Jumman was nominated as the head panch to solve the dipute between Algu ano Samjhu. Then Jumman realised a panch is nobody's friend or foe.A panch cannot see anything except justice. So being a panch he stood by truth and gave the decision in Algi favour. Thus they became friends again.
Long answer type question
Q. Write a note on the theme of the story 'The Panch Parmeshwar.
Ans. The theme of the story is thata panch is neither anybody's friend nor any bodys enemy. He cannot see anything except justice. It is believed that God resides in the heart of panch. Whatever comes from the lips of a panch is treated with the same respect as the words of God. So the people accept the decision of the panches as the decision of God. A anch sits on the highest throne of justice and dharma. So he can't stray from the truth. He cannot turn his back on justice for the sake of a friendship. No doubt, friendship is . nan's primary duty 330 bond. But it must be kept in a proper place in case of justice because man's pri HHE to be just and true. This is what comes out in this story
Q. Bring out the relevance of the story in the Panchayati Raj system of Ind democratic set-up.
Ans. This story was written in 1916 when India was under the British rule. At that i the village community had a set of administrative rules as an alternative to the Colonialsys- of governance. People used to settle their disputes quite satisfactorily in their villages with help of the panchayat. They never went to the court to find solution to their problems. Tm even when India has become a democratic country, the Panchayati Raj system still prevalent its rural areas. Rural people still avoid going to the courts. They believe in their panchayat abide by its decisions. So this story is relevant in the Panchayat Raj system of Indian Democrats set-up also. There are two episodes in this story that prove it. One is the dispute between Jumman Sheikh and his old aunt. The old aunt wants a monthly allowance in return ol property that she had transferred to Jumman Sheikh. But Jumman refuses to do so. The aunt goes to the panchayat and finds solution to her problem. The second case is bere Algu Chowdhari and Samjhu Sahu. Samjhu doesn't pay the price of the ox that he had bor from Algu. The ox has died. And Samjhu says that Algu had given him a sick ox. So he I to pay its price. Their problem also is solved by the panchayat.
Q. Write a brief character-sketch of Algu Chowdhari.
Ans. Algu Chowdhari is a good friend of Jumman Sheikh. He is very loving and caring towards his friend. He values his friendship very much. But when he is nominated as the head panch in a case against Jumman, he decides to stand by the truth only. He maintains the honour of a panch and does not turn his back on justice for the sake of friendship. He keeps the friendship in its proper place at that time. He knows that as a human being, primary duty is to be true and just. He considers the case of the old aunt very thoroughly and gives his decision against Jumman. He never leaves his moral values in any condition. Algu is loving and caring not only towards his fellow-beings but also towards the animals. At his house, his oxen are looked after very well. He takes care of the food and water for his animals. In short, Algu Chowdhari is a noble soul.
Q. Bring out the significance of the title of the story.
Ans. The title of the story, The Panch Parmeshwar, reflects the main thought of the tory. The main thought of the story is that rural people do believe that God resides in a panch's heart and he speaks in God's voice. Like God, a panch is neither anybody's friend nor anybody's enemy. He cannot see anything except justice. He keeps his friendship also in its proper place in case of justice. Man's primary duty is to be just and true. And a panch never forgets it. In the eyes of the rural people, a panch is fair and just like God. The characters in this story also have the same views about their panches. They consider the words of their panches as the words of God. And they accept their decisions and abide by them. No other title of the story can be more appropriate than this
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