Equilibrium whether in a physical or in a chemical system, is always of dynamic nature. This can be demonstrated by the use of radioactive isotopes. This is not feasible in a school laboratory. However this concept can be easily comprehended by performing the following activity. The activity can be performed in a group of 5 or 6 students.
Take two 100mL measuring cylinders (marked as 1 and 2) and two glass tubes each of 30 cm length. Diameter of the tubes may be same or different in the range of 3-5mm. Fill nearly half of the measuring cylinder-1 with coloured water (for this purpose add a crystal of potassium permanganate to water) and keep second cylinder (number 2) empty.
Put one tube in cylinder 1 and second in cylinder 2. Immerse one tube in cylinder ,close its upper tip with a finger and transfer the coloured water contained in its lower portion to cylinder 2. Using second tube, kept in 2nd cylinder, transfer the coloured water in a similar manner from cylinder 2 to cylinder 1. In this way keep on transferring coloured water using the two glass tubes from cylinder 1 to 2 and from 2 to 1 till you notice that the level of coloured water in both the cylinders becomes constant.
you continue intertransferring coloured solution between the cylinders. there will 1 be any further change in the levels of coloured water in two cylinders. If we take alogy of level of coloured water with 'concentration' of reactants and products in the cylinders, we can say the process of transfer, which continues even after the constancy e is indicative of dynamic nature of the process, It we repeat the experiment taking tubes of different diameters we find that at equilibrium the level of coloured water in cylinders is different. How far diameters are responsible for change in levels in two Cylinder? Empty cylinder (2) 1s an indicator of no product in it at the beginning.
Demonstrating dynamic nature of equilibrium (a) initial stage (b) finel stage after the equilibrium is attained.
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